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The Information Age and the Ultimate Opportunity We Face

  The Information Age and the Ultimate Opportunity We Face  | With over 7 billion of us here, the world is nearly unlimited in scope and opportunity. There are many people who still fail to realize this, even though we’ve had two full decades of rapid information production and dispersal. The internet and the platforms built on top of it, readily make just about anything you would want to learn, fully available at all hours of the day.                So, what this creates is an ultimate window to learn anything and everything pertaining to your goal or goals, and to take action. That being said, there are two dilemmas most people face. The first, is not being exposed to enough of the “individual, money making,” side of the internet. The more you learn just how many people have gone from mid income or even low income jobs, to making millions online in just a few years, the  more this becomes apparent. This is means, the first problems has to do with internalizing the reality of it. Th